So, I heard about literature evangelism through my cousins and was told about it, interviewed but never really understood what I was doing till I was there. As far as I knew, LE's (literature evangelists) were just crazy Jesus lovers who dressed very modestly and sold books I hadn't read before. But anyways, once joined I had found that they are so much more. They are truly a family dedicated to serving God and sharing Him with others. So before I get started on all my LE stories and training tips, let me first give you a list of misconceptions and truths about LE's (and I'm more than sure that there are more...):
- They're crazy
- They just want money
- They were forced to go
- They are Mormon/Jehovah's Witness (don't get me wrong, I love Mormons and JW's, they are great people, I don't agree with a lot of what they see but they are still nice people)
- You have to be Vegan
- This is the worst job ever
- You're isolated from the rest of the world
- You're shoving literature down people's throats and misrepresenting God
The Truth
- They are some of the most level minded people I have ever met
- Its not about the money, but about showing the world the love of God
- Everyone went on their own accord, including myself (read testimony)
- They implement a vegeterian diet because eating meat and canvassing is not a good mix
- one, it makes you feel heavier so running.walking fast between doors is harder
- two, want to keep self healthy(Check out Daniel)
- You're not AT ALL isolated. You met hundreds of different people everyday, at the doors, at lunch you always go out to eat, and your coworkers literally become your second family
- You do not shove literature anywhere, you present it and if people want it, awesome, if they don't then that's their right to say no and next time they'll get a book. But its a very passive work, and you do your best to meet people at their needs.
- Its one of the most rewarding jobs I have ever had.
In all retrospect, literature evangelism is a very uncomfortable work for many people. However, it most closely resembles the walk that Jesus had when He was here on Earth. Did He have a message for the world? Yes. Did He get rejected a lot? Yes. Did people make up things about them? Yes. Were their scoffers constantly insulting their progress? Yes. Was He kicked out of certain places? Yes.....
"One of the very best ways in which young men can obtain a fitness for the ministry is by entering the canvassing field. Let them go into towns and cities to canvass for the books which contain the truth for this time. In this work they will find opportunity to speak the words of life, and the seeds of truth they sow will spring up to bear fruit. By meeting the people and presenting to them our publications, they will gain an experience that they could not gain by preaching" GW 96.1.
This work is humbling, but so amazing and incredibly worth it..... Enter it with prayer knowing that Jesus already experienced all the rejection out there, and He will be faithful to help you through.
If anymore come to mind, comment and let me know ;)
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