
The point of this blog isn't to shed light on "everything about me".... that would be boring. This whole blog is to show how God has brought me to where I am today. 

After struggling with identity issues and where I wanted to go in life, I was headed towards a career in Hollywood. I was teaching myself how to film, edit, and write scripts and professors would use my writings as material for lectures. However, as my troubles became bigger I realized that either I go into Hollywood or I devote my life to Christ.

Wait! Priscilla, wasn't there a middle ground?!

You tell me. Can you look at Hollywood and see yourself growing in your life for Christ by working there? I certainly could not. I still cannot. Hollywood is all about one thing-- Self. How can I get MY story out there, how can I become more famous, how will I spend all this money..... I realized that to be in Hollywood, one would have to start fusing with the one that controlled it-- the Devil, the very author of self-absorption. Don't believe me, read Isaiah 14:12-14. So, with that mentality in mind, I became involved in drinking, occasionally going clubbing, and getting into demon possession. I was so focused on me and what I could do to better my art because I felt that that was the most intriguing aspect of my life.... I would soon find that I was wrong...

Thank God for financial struggles. Seriously. If it was not for God opening my eyes to the financial and spiritual condition my family was in, I never would have considered literature evangelism. When I saw canvassers, I was like "What is wrong with them?" They wore little makeup, had their natural hair color, didn't curse, wore modest clothing, no jewelry, or watch movies/listen to worldly music. It was so polar opposite of who I thought I was. But thanks be to God for struggles-- they woke me up. I looked around and realized that I was scared of my habits, that my family was heading further into poverty (we were technically homeless at the time and living in my grandma's basement), and I finally gave it to God. I gave Him the opportunity to show me how good He truly was, if He really did love me, and let me tell you -- God does NOT disappoint. I gave God a chance to do something with my life, and He took me out of that world and here I am today.

I am currently a nursing student, literature evangelist, and volunteer Bible worker and I couldn't be happier. He has allowed me to truly know myself; its as if some veil was lifted from my eyes and I could finally see the world as it was. Our Heavenly Father is finishing a work in me and my family, and we're in a much better place. I thank God for what He has done with me and my family, and I'm anxious to see where He will lead.

"Consider what God has done. Who can change what He has made right? When times are good, rejoice. But when times are hard, consider: God has allowed both good times and hard times, and no one knows what tomorrow will bring." Ecclesiastes 7:13,14

Don't give up hope. We have a loving Father who takes pleasure in blessings us even  in little things. Be strong my friends, God will uphold you with His gentle and loving hands-- and who knows what He has planned for your tomorrow.