Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Don't Be this Nurse: Funny/Bad Photo

Seriously, bad bad bad nurses... lol... so bad...

Study Do's. Study Don'ts.

Ok, so nursing has taught me:
1. How to study
2. How not to study
If only... If only...

So before I begin on that, I want to encourage anyone who is getting into the nursing field to really try developing studying methods before coming; it will benefit you so very much. I never really studied at the college I went to, then again, my major was film and screenwriting, and you can't really put a grade to art. I will argue that untill the day I die lol. Anyways, I had to learn the hard way and am still learning how to study, so here is some advice that I can pass along. Hope this proves to be a blessing.

1.a. Pray and do devotionals!!! Seek God first friends, the rest will fall into place. Martin Luther once said that when he had his busiest day, he prayed twice as long. Apply.
1. b. Remember, this can be done.
1. c. Expect it to be rough (ie, expect to study 8 hrs/day on non-clinical days)
1.d. Refer to 1a + b
2. NEVER procrastinate
3. Go to every study group you can
4. Study the material before going to study group so you can bring up questions
6. Take amazing notes!
7. Google Images is your friend - print off pictures of  body organs and explain in your own words what in the world is going on - pathophys woooo!
8. Give yourself about 30min-1hr after class to _____(insert fun activity)___ and then get studying
9. Study for only 2 - 2.5 hr blocks -- after that, your brain only picks up certain amounts of the material
10. Teach someone! You retain almost 90% (I think lol) when you teach another the material
11. Make a calendar/schedule now! 
12. Don't freak out. You do your best, God does the rest (which in retrospect is most of it). 
13. Make an FB class page --  that way you can share advice and notes with your classmates.
14. Realize that it's not about memorizing -- it's about understanding and applying in different ways critically.
15. Eat, rest, and exercise well. This will help you study so so much. You'll find yourself with more energy and drive to keep going. 
16. Have fun with the material. The wackier the study method, the easier to memorize. I knew someone who made his medication list and characteristics into a rap. He earned the highest marks in the class. 

there's more, but I'll insert later...

1. Assume the material can be put off for another day -- this isn't choir practice, this is nursing. On that note, don't assume period.
2. Get involved in too many extracurricular activities -- you will get burnt out. Believe.
3. Not study techniques before clinical - if you don't refresh, it will be hard to assess. :3
4. Wear Prada to class -- Seriously... that's all I'm saying. This will affect the studying of others as they wonder what you were thinking.
5. Not make friends. Your classmates are your 3rd family (1.real, 2. church), get to know them. They will help you.
6. Not eat before studying (your brain needs fuel). Oo! don't not eat after surgery too. --Dude, eat or you will faint. No joke. Then you'll prob bust a bone or your eye may fall on a syringe (what kinda hospital?) and then you'll be next for surgery. Word.
7. Pull all nighters. They don't work too well here; too many details to understand.
8. Study for hours on end. Study in blocks, help yourself out.
9. Not wash your uniform after clinical. The hospital is the most infected place in the world, do you really want to bring that to your home where there are kids or where you eat your food? Think about it.
10. Not read the notes. Read, highlight, re-write, bullet point, doodle on those notes! 
11. Exercise, eat, rest in the same place that you study. Your mind needs to be around a different environment when you are giving it a break.
12. Take hour long breaks. This will be a temptation. Get a partner to keep you focused.
13. Get arrogant. Don't do it... say no to drugs.
14. Study with the tv on... Your brain can't handle that chaos.
15. Think that this advice is foolish. It's not, it's realistic. Not even exaggerating.

Ok, I know that some were a little like, wha? but believe me, they all affect your studying.

Remember friends, what you do in your free time affects your study time, and your study time determines how well you will do. Do your best. Believe me when I say sometimes it stinks to have to do our best, but certain times in life require us to flex those muscles, grind those teeth, and get done what needs to get done. It's called being a responsible adult. God bless you, will be praying for you. If you would like to add any advice that you feel is relative or if you have a specific prayer request, please, drop a note  =)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Vegan Recipe - Banana Wraps (Banana Burritos)

some good looking bananas
Alright students -- and busy people alike -- here's a very simple, yummy, vegan friendly recipe for you to do and share. It is healthy as well! Prep time: 5 min tops


Banana, wheat tortilla, peanut butter (or almond butter), granola, and honey


Take a wheat tortilla, and spread peanut butter on it. 
Add the granola (be generous)
Place the banana on top, then drizzle honey on it (not too much)
Wrap like a burrito or an eclair... 

Now you can either eat it like that or put it in the fridge to eat in like 15 minutes. Totally up to you. I personally like them cold, others like them room temp. Some like them hot.... hmmmm....

Nursing Life - By God's Grace

So, I realized that I haven't posted much about being a nursing student on this blog. My bad. LoL. 

Honestly, its still shock value to me that I am actually in nursing school and on my way to being a medical professional. This career was always something that I wanted to avoid, but now that God has led me here, He's been working on my anxiety.

My number one advice for anyone entering into the nursing field is this: pray and listen. This is the title of the blog, and its been my slogan in all my decision makings so to say. When facing a difficulty (and nursing school is definitely difficult), I pray constantly. I pray about my study habits, my charting, my papers, my exams (you bet my exams), and about my conduct with my classmates and patients. And prayer is what? Anyone? 2 Thessalonians 3:1-3  "Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith. But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil." Prayer is speaking to God on behalf of your life and His ability to be there for you and guide you. Now if you are having a direct conversation with God, then half of our part is listening. So pray to God, tell Him whats really going on in your life (He already knows so feel free to be honest), and then wait for Him to show you His will. Could be through a person, His word, a strong impression, providence. 

I'll be honest, I'm not the best nursing student; I'm still learning how to study, I'm afraid of more than half of the hospital equipment, and its rare when I know exactly what to do. However, we serve an awesome God, who has shown us again how He can make leaders out of the biggest wimps, servants out of the most arrogant, and skillful workers out of those with lack of talent. 

So leave it to God- pray and listen.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Canvassing Experience: The Odd Day

Canvassing Experience from Summer of 2012

So, day started off on a very hot foot. Our leader dropped me off on a stretch of houses facing a mountain. However, that mountain was not doing its job because the Sun was hitting me like nothing else, and the road was going up hill. Needless to say, I wasn't thrilled, but I set out anyways.

Well, first couple of houses, no one was home. I kept getting rejected and the Sun was blazing over me like nobody's business and I was beginning to feel my frustration spike. I hate hot weather; desert weather, humidity, Sun with no clouds = can't emotionally or physically do it. So you can imagine that on top of being rejected at doors, and I felt anger growing inside of me and resentment towards God. I felt like the Devil was whispering to me, "Curse God."  Now I didn't actually hear anything, but that thought came to my mind. 

And I praise God because as soon as that thought came I shut if off, took a breath and said "Lord, I'm really frustrated right now, but I'm going to praise Your name anyways because there is a blessing on this street." I then started singing a hymn (my favorite being "Do Lord" during canvassing). Honestly, if it wasn't for the grace and strength of God I would not have been able to do that. 

So there I was, singing away my frustration, that Sun still on me, when at the very next house I meet a woman and her son climbing into a car. So I made my way quickly to them, smile on my face, and introduced myself. The woman was visibly upset about something, the son who was standing next to her looked miserable as well, and so I gave her the book Peace Above the Storm - a Steps to Christ Devotional. For about a minute they just stared at the book. They then suddenly opened up about their bird who had died that they had loved so much and they were shocked that the cover of the book actually had a bird on it. They then told me that they knew I was a canvasser because they had been canvassed last year. They then started telling me how much they love God, that He had sent me to show them these books and give them comfort, and it was just so beautiful to see their happiness. They introduced me to the father of the home and ended up buying three books!!! The most beautiful part about it though, was that I was able to pray for them and see God soothe this family. 

That's not all though. The very next door, I knock on the door and chihuahuas suddenly go running out and I join the owner, a young girl, in trying to catch them. Little buggers... for stubby feet they're freakishly fast... So that was odd, but afterwards, the young woman started talking to me and I described to her the books. Her father, in the background, was anxious in me leaving, but she told me to wait because she was going to ask her mother. Next thing I know, I'm in the house canvassing to a woman on bedrest from having surgery. I introduced myself and showed her the books, and she ended up buying three! Very nice family, and I pray that the husband gives God a chance to be a apart of his life and show him how much He loves him.

Thats not all though lol. I was finished with that street so was moved to another one some blocks down - a much shadier street (by the grace of God!!!). First house, woman ends up buying Peace in Spanish which was an interesting conversation. But a couple of houses over, I meet a family (mother, two daughters and their two kids) drinking horchata on the lawn. Next thing I know, I'm drinking horchata and eating peaches with them as I'm listening to their stories and showing them the books. They told me how their husbands were atheists and how they were looking for a church to attend in the area that could give them and their husbands Bible studies. I invited them to one, and they ending up getting five books. I prayed with them and will continue to pray for them, their beautiful families, and their willing hearts. 

In the evening, events went by really quickly that were just...odd. Firstly, I was offered chips that turned out to be lard (thank God I had politely declined), I ended up telling them I was vegan and they offered me tomatoes, but not really lol. Odd. I met a woman who used to be Adventist and ended up buying I believe Peace from me in quarters. And then the last house was just WEIRD. Last house of the night, and it was an older Hispanic woman who didn't want to buy books. Which was fine, so I asked if I could have a glass of water or water bottle instead. I was running that day, so Priscilla was thirsty haha. Anyways, she comes back with a glass of water that smelled like garlic (not judging) and had lukewarm water in it. Hmm. Well, needless to say I was thankful. I took a drink -- not complaining but that water was so gross - and I forced myself to take a few more sips out of politeness and then moved to give the glass back to her. With the most serious face and blunt tone, she said, "Finish it." ... O.o ... *awkward silence* ...So I ended like really forcing myself to drink the remainder of the water, and in my head I'm like "if there's a roofie in here, unlikely, the team is just across the street..." I gave the glass to her and she nodded, dismissing me to leave. So I slowly left, very confused at what just happened. Suddenly, her son just parked in the driveway, and I was able to talk to him and show him the books. He was super nice. Next thing I know he buys a cookbook and children's book! Wow!

Praise God!!! We all ended up shouting goal into the walkie talkies at the end of the night and our team leader was going to treat us to some Naked juice or Jamba, but they were all closed so we ended up getting stuff at a Latino food market.... It was an odd day, but full of amazing blessings and I had my dried mangos as a treat.  =)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I haven't written a poem/prose (not to be confused with a song) in a long long time. Mainly for spiritual reasons, but I wanted to wait until I felt that it would be glorifying God and not myself. So, this is the first poem/prose I've written in a long time, its honest, it doesn't rhyme (sorry folks), and I pray that God is glorified and sin is recognized. I love all of you. God bless.


Today, I'm going to be as transparent as possible.... today, this week, this month, has been one of spiritual struggle as I see the way I used to be contend with who I am today in Christ... More often than not, I have lost the battle against my "old man" and I have no one to blame but myself. 

Today, I'm going to be as transparent as possible.... I believe in a risen Savior who commands me to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. If He has commanded me to change, then it is He who has already given me the strength and the will to do so. I have but to surrender that will, that control which I so desperately think I have.

Today, I'm going to be as transparent as possible.... there's a part of me that doesn't want to let go of the world, and its the part of me that leads to behaving shamefully, thinking horribly, and desiring aggressively. To use other words would not show the true face of what lies in store  for us when we do as we wilt.

Today, I'm going to be as transparent as possible.... I hate where my old life would lead me, as desperate as apart of me craves to go back, I hate knowing that that's not me. It is some manifestation of media, influence, confusion, and temptation mixed in one deceitfully beautiful package. Try as I might to lie to myself, I know that I would never be satisfied by that life, if you would call it that.

Today, I'm going to be as transparent as possible.... Honestly, all I want is to be gone from this sinful world, full of lies, full of selfishness and cruelty, and have my Redeemer come in the clouds to take me home. I desire nothing else than to see the face of my Heavenly Father and hold on in tight embrace to my Savior Jesus Christ. I long for Heaven, I long to be with my Lord. I long to love them more than I love anything else, and it still would not be what they deserve.

Today, I'm going to be as transparent as possible.... I no longer want to battle. I want to surrender. By God's grace, by God's strength, by God's love alone will I do so. Because though I long for Heaven, like Enoch, the Lord can put a love in my heart for solely Him now, and keep Heaven on my mind today and everyday.

Praise God, for He is giver and completer of Hope. So, to be transparent, I have nothing to fear as I surrender it all to Him. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Heavenly Song - "Wedding Day" by Acappella

This song always brings me to tears, its just such a lovely song of the hope that we have in Christ Jesus. Can't wait to see you there. 

ps I'm a deep believer in prayer and the power of it, and if anyone has a prayer request, let me know. I would be honored to pray for you and anything that is going on in your life. 

Wedding Day