Hey everyone! I know that it can get very frustrating sometimes having a Bible question and no one around to give an answer, or even putting a study/speech together but wanting more information. So here is a list of all the many resources that help me get to know more about the Bible and about the world around us. Enjoy! ;)
Free sermons from some of your favorite speakers on dozens of topics.
An amazing resource for any learning Christian. Can download for free
as well!
Amazing Discoveries
Led by Wallter Vieth and Victor Gill, Amazing Discoveries is one of
the most detailed resource sites on sermons, articles, and videos on
today's society, Christianity, and archaeology. AD focuses much of its
media on health reform, secret societies, and occult worship that is
actually found in much of the church today.
Amazing Facts
Amazing Facts. led by Doug Batchelor, has put together a free
resource center full of Bible Studies, videos, questions and answers,
and even a free Bible School! Its incredible! Check it out.
LightBearers/ARISE - An Evangelism, Discipleship and Training Ministry.
A site featuring works from David Assherick, Nathan Renner, Ty
Gibson, and Jeffrey Rosario to name a few. It is a great school with a
ton of detailed materials on how to know and defend one's faith.
ARME Bible Camp
Come see how an ARME of young adults are striving to spread the
Gospel throughout the world! Great resources! Check out their Prayer
Room resource as well.
GYC- Generation of Youth for Christ
Some of the most amazing and honest sermons I have ever heard pertaining to faith, creationism, Ellen G. White, and prophecy.
It Is Written
One of my all time favorite sites led by Mark Finley and Shawn
Boonstra. It contains a load of answers to so many questions concerning
God, Jesus, the Bible, all of it. Enjoy!!!
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